Thursday 26 July 2012

What does the future mean to the 'architect'

The task for my first lecture was to think about the future and the role of 'the architect' in that possible future.

There a few important areas that I personally believe need the attention of designers and planners alike. I am concerned about the preservation of regional ecosystems in regional areas. I believe that natural processes and function of organic environments are being overlooked for the sake of accommodating a rapidly increasing human population. Although it may be obvious, It seems that the comfort and accommodation of human beings is regarded as priority above all other things.
I believe that our species faces an unsustainable future. I believe that we will suffocate ourselves out of existence due to overpopulation and resource depletion in an effort to maintain higher levels of creature comforts and self preservation.
I do also believe that a shift in the way human beings operate will occur, and that the functionality of the planet and its biosphere will be put above the creature comforts of one particular species. This is where I see designers and architects making a massive difference.
It has long been dreamed about be architecture students; microcitys, where food is harvested, products are made and where everyone contributes. But if it’s such a good idea, why hasn’t it been done yet.
If I get the chance in this new unit of architecture, I would love to have the opportunity to see how this could be practically and architecturally possible and hopefully do enough critical analysis that it could be possible.

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