Sunday 7 October 2012

Project Log - Tutorial feed back

After discussing my redesigned proposal with Steph, I feel I am on a much clearer path to achieving a successful project. Some things that I had not considered was:

1. How the festival would function with an education establishment. I have analysed and tested how this might happen. The students would be part of the festival, they Institute would close for the duration of the festival then act as a formal threshold to the festival. The students would also have a centralized research station that would be used to filter data taken from the various outposts to the Institute.
2. The way in which the surrounding area will be activated by the proposal and how the festival will interact with the local area with the proposal as a new addition.
3. The storm water and drainage issues on the site and how I can use a low impact drainage system to mitigate severity of flooding. Although the flood mitigation would be a background function, it would be good to express this somehow through the architecture.

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