Monday 29 October 2012

Project Update - Final Master Planning - 2020

The Woodfordia association commissions a team of sustainable designers to design and project manage the creation of a permanent yet very low impact workshop and tutorial space that can be easily extended or expanded to meet the needs of the growing DIY community who choose to visit woodford.
The number of people accommodated is informed by APA data suggesting that there is an optimum no. of people in a group to reach maximum effectiveness. The facility will accommodate approximately 20 smaller, but highly effective working groups to use the space at any one time.
(New Study Suggests Small Groups Solve Problems Better By Kendra Cherry,)

The brief describes that the building is to have a workshop that can be expanded out into a covered area with a space to for experts to give tutorials. The area will be uses through the year with visitors being able to setup tents nearby in the case that they wish to use Woodfordia as a retreat.
The construction methodology must also allow for it to be expanded to accommodate more people as the Community grows without any wasted spaces
The team comes up with a design that is capable of facilitating 30 people working in the workshop and 40 people attending a lecture. Plus a small amenities building that is self compositing.
Describe construction method.

With the assistance of our character, the workshop is constructed. And the workshop is successfully operated all year round with classes and workshop tutorials being run and organized by our character and a team of DIY enthusiasts. A small maintenance fee is charged for the use of the grounds by participants and the online presence of the workshop generates addition ticket sales for the Festival.

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